The Twelve Steps embody principles that lead to recovery and personal growth. Under them, there are various programs to help addicts and co-addicts, as well as self-help groups for addicts and co-addicts. The 12 steps apply to all types of addictions (substitute the relevant addictive substance or activity for the word “alcohol”):
- We recognized that we were powerless against alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable.
- We began to believe that a Power stronger than us could restore our sanity.
- We decided to entrust our will and our lives to God as we understood Him.
- We did a deep and fearless moral inventory.
- We acknowledge the true nature of our offenses before God, ourselves and another person.
- We were completely ready for God to remove all these character faults.
- We humbly asked Him to free us from our shortcomings.
- We made a list of all the people we had wronged and wanted to make it up to them all.
- We compensated these people where possible, except where it could have harmed them or others.
- We continued our personal inventory and when we made a mistake, we immediately admitted it.
- We sought through prayer and meditation to perfect our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, asking only to know His will for us and the power to fulfill it.
- After receiving the spiritual awakening these steps brought, we tried to bring this message to alcoholics and apply these principles in all areas of life.